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I blog about daily lifestyle, especially food + beauty!

Tai Chu Chin
aka [tee-see-see]
Love for fashion, kpop, beauty & travel!
Email: chuchin.tai@hotmail.com




Tuesday, May 29, 2012


i've been away for really long!!!! more than a month! 
im back for a mission ! 

introducing SUNPLAY! okay, i know many people should have know this product already. 
but they are slightly differerent now with their new patented SOLAREX-3 Technology! 

Sunplay helps to fight against 3 signs of sunburn damages:
Sunburn, Skin aging, and Dryness! 

With the highest spf sunblock, you can play long hours under the sun without damaging your skin! 

Now, what is Solarex-3 technology?
as you can see from the packaging, it provides superior photo stable protection, helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles with RonaCare Ectoin & Antileukine 6. & has hyaluronic acid which hydrates your skin!  best of all, its sweat proof, water proof, suitable for face and body!

applying on my skin to try out.

spreading evenly.
 tadah! easily absorbed.

Redeem your free Sunplay travel size sample on Sunplay’s Facebook here at http://on.fb.me/JYtFlP

AND ALSO! join the contest on Sunplay’s FaceBook page. 20 lucky readers to post “I Love Sunplay because...” on Sunplay’s Facebook wall https://www.facebook.com/sunplaysg stands a chance to win prizes sponsored by Sunplay. The constest will end on 10th June at 2359 hours and winners will be announced on the following day, Monday 11th June at 1500hours.

Good luck! :D

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