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I blog about daily lifestyle, especially food + beauty!

Tai Chu Chin
aka [tee-see-see]
Love for fashion, kpop, beauty & travel!
Email: chuchin.tai@hotmail.com




Monday, January 9, 2017

[SP] I have found the one!

As all would know.. i do not go by a day without makeup.. unless i am staying home. And removing makeup can be quite a hassle as it is a important step not to be missed.. no matter how tired you are after a long day!

Been trying lots of different kinds of make up remover products. From wipes.. to gel, oil cleansers.. nothing quite like what I've been using recently: 

Bioderma Sensibio! Bioderma is a derma skincare that uses ingredients that is suitable for all skin including sensitive skin.

Thanks to Sample Store for sending me these products. To be very honest, I have started trying Bioderma Sensibio H2O before I was invited to try out, was very happy to be invited to try out not jus the H2O micellar water, but 2 other products! 

First up, would be my fave, the Bioderma Sensibio H2O micellar water. I have fallen in love with it ever since i first tried it. 

It easily removes all kinds of makeup, secondly, it is oil-free! I love oil-free products because I hate the feeling of the oilyness only my face, and not to mention it stings my eyes every time i remove my eye makeup. 

It is convenient and fuss free. It doesn't gives the skin any tight feeling after removing as it is made of highly purified water, the highest grade of pharmaceutical water. 

Did a small test on my hand with various makeup products. 

Cotton pad dabbed with Sensibio H2O.

In just 1 swipe, about 90% of the makeup has been removed! 

I use about 8-10 cotton pads as I like to be extra clean, I just want to make sure the very last piece of cotton is totally clean before I rinse my face! It is actually a non-rinse product but just me and my pet peeve i like to do a double cleanse! 

Next would be the Sensibio Gel moussant. It is their all new mild foaming gel cleanser. A gentle cleanser with hydrating properties which can also remove makeup while cleansing your face! 

Here's the gel texture of the product. 

After lathering it, it produces really mild foam as described! 

I tried to remove my make up while cleansing my face with the gel moussant. It effectively removes my makeup and leaves my skin feeling soft and comfortable without any irritation. Would recommend this to people with sensitive skin and for those who want to finish 2 steps in 1!

Last but not least, another new product from Bioderma, Sensibio dermatological water. A dermatological water spray which helps to reduce heating sensations and sets makeup with a fresh soothing effect. 

I brought along a travel size one with me to the office as i can occasionally spray some on my face after a hot day out for lunch to soothe the face! 

The spray is really subtle!

Thanks to its isotonic formula, the skin can be air dried after spraying and no dabbing is required!

Love the Bioderma range and I actually tried the Hydrating series which is equally great as well! 

Bioderma is available at all watsons, guardians, Unity, Tan tock seng hospital and even National Skin Centre!

Price range as follow:

Bioderma Sensibio H20 $15.90/ 100ml, $28.90/250ml, $41.90/ 500ml
Bioderma Sensibio Gel Moussant $33.90/ 200ml
Bioderma Sensibio Dermatological Water $19.90/ 150ml

Find out more about Bioderma and the other range of products at www.bioderma.sg 
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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Farewell 2016

Didnt wanna spam ig with words so i thought i would do a small post here!

No bullshit resolutions because who the hell follows them anyway.

I must say that this year has been filled w countless first time for me. 

Stepping out of my comfort zone and working in a new industry i never knew i would have a chance to and never knew that i would love it.

Meeting new faces be it on my own or with other people. It is quite a challenge to me as i consider myself an introvert and i do not like to meet or socialise with new people :/

Well i still dont like it but im sure i will get use to it! 

Changing a career path which again something that never crossed my mind, challenging myself and see what i can do! 

Socialising/ PR. Seriously i did alot and been through all those awkward moments... forgetting ppl's names... pretending to know them.. repeated what i jus mention.. and more. 😅 but im glad it all came through and thanks to my mgr for the constant motivation and giving me tasks at unexpected situations! 

Being a face model .. couple of times ever since i started this job.

And meeting lotsa celebrity for the first time hahahhaa.. i just feel so starstruck at times and thanks to my job for these opportunities! Desmond Tan, Pony, Sharon Au, Hsiao Jia Hui, Nathan Hartono... anymore?! 😂😂😆😆

And worktrips/ training trips! Loveeee it and i hope there are more to come for me in the upcoming year!!! Heard that we are venturing into Dubai. Always wanted to visit there plsssss send me there!!!! #prayyyyyextrahard

Best moments of 2016 was probably..

-Meeting desmond tan irl!!! (Seriously major fan even though i never join fan club.. always hv thoughts running in my mind to meet him irl i swear!!)

- him commenting and liking my ig photo after i tagged him!! (Would have been better if he followed LOL)

- meeting nathan hartono irl and also him liking my photo!! LOLL #siaotaohong

- receiving bonus and increment

- 3 work trips in a year 

Hahha seem like most of my pointers are very fan girl 😝

Overall am truely grateful for the chances given to me.. though we are ending the year w a little sad note as my boss is leaving.. hopefully new boss will be as nice. #pray

And on top of that I know that i am still single, but i wish that people would seriously stop adding salt to wound because its not like i fancy or enjoy being single. Yes i love my me-time, but when there are no opportunities open up for me there is no point forcing in something that has no results to. Well, maybe im jus lacking a little luck in this area. So people, give me a break ya. #mylifemychoice #myob

And as we grow older, everyone have lesser time for each other. Who knows.. i might die alone, but i shan't care for people who cant be bother to keep up w relationships. Priorities are set by individuals and its ok that im not one of them so long i know that ive done my part. 

Lastly, i am happy for what ive achieve in 2016 and i shall look forward to what i can achieve in the next year. 

2017, please be good to me. 


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Monday, December 5, 2016

[SP] BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence

Terribly sorry for my absence from my blog for months! Due to my hectic workload, I wasn't able to keep up with blogging. I also didn't had time to take care of my health or skin as i cant wait to sleep every time I'm home!

As a result to that, I tend to look abit haggard in photos and my dark circles aren't helping! But thanks to BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence, i get to turn back the clock and slow down my age!

BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence is formulated specially for asian skin to help slow down your skin's age and enjoy supple skin in just 6 weeks.

Environment, lifestyle, UV rays and stress are some of the factors which accelerate the diminishing of collagen in our skin. 

Collagen is a necessary support of our skin's structural foundation and to inprove or maintain our skin's firmness and elasticity, therefore it is necessary to have intake of collagen as we age.

Unlike any other Collagen drink products out there, BRAND'S® Ruby Signature formula is created with a unique and precious blend of ingredients derived from natural sources. It contains micro collagen and one of mother nature's most powerful antioxidants: 

Asthaxanthin (micro algae extract) 

It is scientifically proven to be 6000 times more powerful than vitamin C, 800 times more powerful than CoQ10 and 500 times more powerful than vitamin E!

What i love about this collagen drink is that it is convenient in a small bottle, which i can bring it on the go, and i can have it once or twice daily! 

Though i do not see visible results as I only have enough to last me for about 2 weeks, but I love the taste of it and I don't mind have it more than 2 times a day if I'm allowed to! It is best taken when chilled! *Results may vary according to individuals.

Another alternative would be the BRAND’S® InnerShine® RubyCollagen Essence Strip! The jelly strips are also a convenient and fun way of consuming collagen! 

Here's the price list for reference: 

BRAND’S® InnerShine®  RubyCollagen Essence (50ml x 12):            SGD $62.90
BRAND’S® InnerShine®  RubyCollagen Essence Strip (15g x 10):        SGD $36.00

You can now purchase then conveniently online at store.brandsworld.com.sg

Or find out more about Ruby collagen here: 

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Monday, October 31, 2016

[SP] Organic Hair Colour by J&J Hair Identity

I am an avid fan of hair colouring and am constantly changing my hair colour for a fresh new look. 

But as all of us would know, when it comes to colouring hair, bleaching, or doing them too frequently can cause damage to our hair and scalp.

Thanks to Sample Store, I got an opportunity to try out organic hair colouring, by J&J Hair Identity! 

J&J Hair Identity is a newly opened hair salon in Singapore just 2 months ago, and i was invited to try out their hair colouring service by using a premium organic brand, Natulique

The interior and environment is pretty simple yet cozy. 

I was greeted by Jac Lee (the Lead Designer and co founder of J&J) upon arrival, and he began to introduce to me on Natulique, a Professional Organic Hair Colour. 

Natulique is certified with Organic ingredients and is ammonia, lauryl sulfate and paraben free. It is a premium global brand which is also eco certified hair care established in Denmark in 1988. 

Many of you must be thinking organic salon hair colours = boring colours. Same goes to me when i was first introduced to it, but we are wrong! I was surprised to see colours even such as blonde, purple or red! So tempted to get purple but decided not to go too wild due to my working environment, haha.

So I selected ash brown and I had mentioned that I wanted grayish tone to it. I did not even specifically point out to which colour i wanted and Jac mix the colours for me immediately. But first, I would have to bleach my hair. In this case, they are using whitener which is also from Natulique. I'm surprise that even Organic colouring has whitener!

Waiting time around 30mins - 1 hour.

this is my hair colour after bleaching! Shocking orange! 

Then he begin the next colouring step! They have thoughtfully used a pre colouring treatment for my hair before colouring the final colour, and they only lighten the parts of my hair which required to be lighten! Which means the bottom half of my hair which has been bleached before will not be bleach to prevent further damage! 

On top of that, they had used a machine to help open up the molecules in my scalp, which is to help the colour penetrate deeper and to last longer! (additional charges is applicable for this service). 

The mist in the picture is let out by the machine! 

While I was waiting, Jasmine greeted me, whom is the other co founder of J&J. (now you know why the name J&J ;D)

She had brief through and share with me the story behind J&J and how it all started. She actually used to be Jac's client before this! And also she shared with me about Natulique and how they got the license to bring this brand in to Singapore. 

J&J is the first and one and only salon in Singapore which uses Natulique products! They also sell a whole range of Natulique hair products in the salon! 

I was introduced to not just the hair colour, but also the shampoo, and hair oil, which all of it smells really great and they are not perfumed, but made out of natural ingredients such as flower and fruit extracts. TheShampoo and Argan Oil was also used during my hair coloring process, Love the scent!

Part 2 colouring process! 

Finally... my hair was done after about 4-5 hours in the salon! Haha.. just joking.. this is the BEFORE photo! 

And here's the AFTER! 

Taaadah!! I love it! I love how it's dark in a choco brown tone yet it has a hint of ash under strong light! 

Overall my experience was good! They served drink with a few choices cater to different people. And the assistant was constantly asking me if the strength was ok to ensure I don't feel any pain when my hair was being washed or lighten.

Thanks to Jasmine & Jac for the great hair and great service! 

If you would like to explore different hair colours without damaging your hair, or even just to cover gray hair or doing a perm with no harmful effects, give J&J a try!

J&J is located at 2nd level of Katong Square, right beside i12 Katong shopping mall!

J&J Hair Identity Pte Ltd
88 East Coast Road, #02-11 Katong Square, 423371
Tel: 6344 2388
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Saturday, June 4, 2016

[SP] Biore Marshmallow Whip Deep Clean Facial Wash

So I received the a new facial cleansing foam from Biore to test out! It claims to give smooth and shine free and is suitable for oily skin just like mine!

As you know, living in a hot and humid weather often caused oily skin, and oily skin caused visible large pores! When it comes to choosing a cleanser, it is important not to choose one which will result in dry skin, even though it claims to give you less oily / shine free skin. 

The Biore deep clean range helps to deeply cleanse dirt and oil and removes extra sebum without drying the skin. It contains deep cleansing ingredients and is formulated with its newly improve Skin Purifying Technology (SPT) which helps our skin to retain its moisture. 

I love how in one pump it gives instant ultra fine foam, no need for lather! 

The bubbles are smaller than pore size which means it can cleanse better, and it feels light on the skin.

Do you often fear of drying your skin from the cleanser you choose due to everyday cleansing? Well, fret not as the improved SPT can ensure skin is cleansed more easily and thoroughly while reducing the loss of moisture. 

Easy peasy cleansing with just one pump!

With just once cleanse, my skin instantly feels clean and moist, there is no tightness and my skin does not feel flaky or dry.

Biore Marshmallow Deep Clean Facial Wash is available at all supermarkets, hypermarkets, beauty stores and pharmacies at only $13.90!

Read more reviews here: https://www.samplestore.com/biore-marshmallow-whip-deep-clean-facial-wash.html
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